Adult and Youth Enrichment

Classes to equip you for faith and life

Christian souls need to be nourished and motivated by the Word of God from cradle to grave.

Bible study is the Lord’s way of speaking to us, strengthening our faith and helping us through difficult times. Bible study unlocks the secrets of God and motivates us to worship and serve him. 

Bible study at Trinity is fun and informative. It’s edifying and encouraging. One thing it’s not: scary. No one will call on you to read or answer a question unless you raise your hand. Your level of participation is up to you. You can read, answer questions, and offer comments. Or you can simply sit, listen, and soak it all in. You don’t need to be a Bible expert. No previous Bible study experience is necessary. Please give us the opportunity to show you how wonderful studying God’s Word with fellow Christians can be!

Sunday Adult Bible Studies

Bible class is an important part of Sunday morning at Trinity. Sundays at 9:15 am we offer a study on a variety of scriptural topics. Sometimes we study a whole book of the Bible over a few weeks. Sometimes we consider a topical approach to the Word. Other times we consider subjects that connect us with God’s church and mission. No matter what the topic, God promises that he will strengthen our faith through his Word. Take him up on the promise and join us for Bible class this Sunday.

Catechism Events

Sundays at 9:15 am from early September to Memorial Day, Trinity’s 7th & 8th grade members and their parents meet for these custom-designed events to bring students into a deeper and richer relationship with the one true God! Each Sunday morning interactive learning exercises, special speakers, small group activities, some fun songs as well as some special treats are sprinkled to provide faith-shaping, soul-enriching time for our catechism students and their parents.

Trinity Kids’ Bible Hour

Trinity Kids' Bible Hour is open to all children from age 3 up to 6th grade. The program divides students into three different age groups with activities and lessons designed to engage each education level, helping children grow in their faith. Children are escorted from the lesson station, to the music station, to the crafts station by Trinity Lutheran School student chaperones where they will hear a Bible lesson, learn some new music, and participate in exciting crafts. Trinity Kids’ Bible Hour is held Sundays at 9:15 am from early September to Memorial Day (breaking for Christmas and Easter).

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Tuesday mornings at 6:30 pm all members are invited to meet at Dady-Oh’s Restaurant at 250 W. Broadway, Waukesha for a mid-week bible study. A variety of topics are covered, including sermon series studies designed to prepare you for the upcoming week’s sermon.

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Tuesday nights at 8:30 am confirmed adults are invited to meet in the Trinity Room for evening Bible study. A wide variety of topics are covered to enrich your faith.

Mens’ Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study meets in the Trinity Room on Thursday mornings at 6:30 am. All confirmed men are welcome to attend.

Ladies’ Bible Study

The Ladies’ Bible Study group meets in the Trinity Room on Thursday mornings at 8:30 am during the Trinity Lutheran School academic year. Women from all walks of life in our community are welcome and encouraged to attend.