Catechism Events
Growing in God’s Love
What are “Catechism Events”? Catechism Events are Trinity’s fresh approach to helping our 7th and 8th grade students grow in faith and prepare for their confirmation.
A key goal of catechetical instruction is life transformation! Transformation happens as we take God’s Word and use it, not only to build our knowledge, but especially to let it shape how we live. Through Catechism Events, parents and church leaders work together to help students understand more about their faith. Each week we dig deeply into a core bible verse and the key biblical teaching it reveals, reflecting on how it shapes our lives of faith.
To help students come ready for each week’s Catechism Event, a new instructional video will be posted on this page, introducing the key focus of the week.
Each Sunday morning catechism students and parents gather in the cafeteria for a special encounter with God and his Word from 9:15-10:15am. These events include themed activities for the whole group, small group discussions of key ideas, and a wrap up time for review, prayer and blessing.
In addition to the Sunday morning Catechism Events, we’re also planning special social activities and service opportunities. Our goal is to schedule one of each in fall, winter, and spring. Details of these events will be posted on this page as plans are firmed up.
Teens (grades 9-12) are invited to get involved with Catechism Events as junior leaders.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Pastor Koester at: jkoester@trinitywels.com