New Midweek Lenten Worship Series - God On Trial
The unbelieving world has always insisted on putting God on trial. As our society becomes more secular, we Christians are increasingly aware of the many ways in which God—and his people—are judged. Temptations are many in this environment: treating unbelievers as enemies, retreating from the world, even questioning God ourselves. How do we live as people of God in this hostile world? We find our model—and our motivation—in Jesus. This series takes us back to the moments when God was literally on trial before humankind in the person of Christ. In these inspired episodes, we find forgiveness for us and all people, love for our enemies, strength for our faith, and courage to testify to the truth.

New Worship Series - Crushed
When someone is devastated or defeated or despondent we speak of him being "crushed." It could be due to some agonizing loss or unrealized dreams. It could be due to carrying a crushingly heavy load of guilt over some past mistake. In a broken world, it is simply a matter of time before we feel crushed. This is why we need Lent. The word Lent comes from an Old English word for Spring: "lengten," when the days grow longer. For 1400 years the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of repentance and renewal. Believers humbly acknowledge that sin is the ultimate source of all the crushing moments in life. Our sin even crushed Christ. Yet, on Easter Sunday, Jesus took up his life again. Our Savior crushed both death and the serpent's head. Yes, Lent is a solemn season. But it is also a season of great hope. With the psalmist we say, "The Lord saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Misconceptions
Many people are intrigued by Jesus, just for the wrong reasons. King Herod had heard Jesus could perform miraculous signs. That is all Herod wanted from Jesus, to serve as a sort of royal magician. Others wanted Jesus to be a political iconoclast to inspire them for their cause. Others wanted Jesus to be an ally to approve of all their choices. Still others wanted him to simply be a divine vending machine, providing whatever blessings desired that day. And what is most tragic is that when people realize that is not what Jesus is, they lose interest in him, perhaps even turn against him.
What about us? Or, like King Herod and so many others, are we full of misconceptions about Jesus? Or do we really want Jesus for what he truly is – the Savior?

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: Our Condemnation is Crushed by God’s Grace
We assume people get what they deserve. We assume what goes around comes around. We assume God helps those who helps themselves. And all those assumptions must be crushed. Got does not operate on the principle of merit but of grace. Like gravity, grace is a constant force at work in how God deals with us and how he wants us to deal with others. No one is beyond the reach of God's grace. God never turns it off. When the weight of our sin makes us fearful of God's condemnation, he reveals his grace yet again.

Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Truth
The ultimate goal of a trial is to uncover the truth. Yet, truth is a concept many struggle with. Today, people will speak of “my truth,” thinking that truth is relative. We have an example of that today. Pontius Pilate asks what is the most important question in life: What is truth? Pilate was clearly not on the side of truth, at least not Jesus’ truth.
We can be tempted to question God’s truth—the truth of his love, the truth of his presence—especially with the seeming uncertainty of everything going on around us. So God gives us more truth, wrapped up in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus stood before Pilate as a true flesh and blood person. Jesus truly gave his life as a payment for sin, proving the truth of God’s love. And the empty tomb is the proof of God’s truth that, thanks to Christ, life will overcome death.

Board Game Night
Join Us for First Friday Board Game Night at Trinity!
Come enjoy an evening of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition at Trinity’s Board Game Night! Whether you love strategic challenges or classic favorites, there’s something for everyone. Bring your favorite game or explore our collection!
The night kicks off with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM, followed by gaming at 6:15 PM. To help us plan for snacks and drinks, please RSVP using the link below.
Invite a friend, spread the word, and let’s make it a night to remember! We can’t wait to see you there!

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: Human Rejection is Crushed by Divine Exaltation
People often look to the judgment of experts. The opinion of experts can greatly influence the general population. That poses a problem when it comes to Christ. The world's experts and culturally elite generally see little value in Christ and his Word. Thankfully, Christ tells us to expect this. He also reminds us that when it comes to judgments about him and his kingdom, only one opinion matters. God the Father would render the final verdict about Christ and his work when he raised his Son from the dead. This week, we learn to evaluate the world's experts properly. They might see heaven's greatest treasure as trash. Fine. That treasure remains ours for the taking!

Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Sympathy
When we feel the world is against us, it is easy to feel self-pity. We think of ourselves as victims and wallow in our trouble. Jesus refused to do that. He endured an unjust trial, was tortured, was sentenced to death. Now he hangs on a cross. What does he do? Does he focus on himself… on the unfairness of it all… on his rotten lot? No. Jesus responds with sympathy. He felt compassion for the lost around him and even forgave those who were nailing him to the cross.
Today, we ask God to give us the same strength. When life gets hard, rather than pitying ourselves, may we feel pity for those who have no idea of the better life that is to come for all who have put their faith in the Father’s forgiveness.

Mornings with Mommy
Find community with other moms while spending quality time with your little ones!
Trinity’s Mornings with Mommy program is designed for moms and caregivers to enjoy time together while the kids (ages 0-4 years) enjoy open play time.
Registration is required for all events and attendees. Visit tinyurl.com/TLCMMJAN-MAY and, for additional details, visit the Trinity Mornings with Mommy Facebook page.

Congregational Open Forum
Stay updated on the latest news and progress of Trinity Lutheran’s mission through the 3rd quarter of the 2024-25 fiscal year directly from church leaders! Enjoy a coffee and snack from Morning Boost before joining us in the Sanctuary.

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: False Security is Crushed by Faithful Presence
Where is God? This is one of human beings' most frequently-asked and incorrectly-answered questions. We are tempted to believe that evidence of God's presence is found in outward circumstances. We equate good fortune with God's favor and bad fortune with his judgment. So, as long as nothing terrible is happening, God must not be too angry with us, right? We are free to go on sinning. Such foolish assumptions must be crushed. Therefore, God must constantly remind us where he intends to be found—in the gospel. He makes himself present in Word and sacraments. Because he is always present, we realize the urgent need to turn away from the sin he despises. Because his presence is graciously hidden, we are drawn to him for forgiveness rather than driven away from him in fear.

Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Testimony
Trials require testimony. Tonight, we compare and contrast two testimonies. Jesus is inside the courtroom; Peter, just outside. As Jesus testifies, he respectfully yet boldly confesses the truth about who he is. As Peter testifies, he lies, falling all over himself to hide any connection he has with Jesus.
This comparison provides the opportunity to consider our testimony to the world. Do our words and actions give testimony to our relationship with our God, like Jesus’ words and actions did? Or, like Peter, do we sometimes refuse to confess our faith in Christ? Tonight, we weep at our failures to give testimony to the gospel. Yet, we rejoice in Jesus’ perfect witness in our place.

Mornings with Mommy
Find community with other moms while spending quality time with your little ones!
Trinity’s Mornings with Mommy program is designed for moms and caregivers to enjoy time together while walking your child through age-appropriate activities (ages 0-4 years).
Registration is required for all events and attendees. Visit tinyurl.com/TLCMMJAN-MAY and, for additional details, visit the Trinity Mornings with Mommy Facebook page.

Craft Night
Calling all crafters!
Looking for some company and inspiration for your current crafting projects? Look no further! Join us for a fun evening of crafting and fellowship with other creative souls.
Bring along your crafting supplies and get ready to share a laugh or two as we work on our projects together. Crafting alone is nowhere near as fun as crafting with others!
We begin at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We can't wait to see you there!

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: Shortcuts are Crushed by Determination
Last week we talked about temptation. This week we see what is at the center of every temption: a promise of a shortcut to glory. Even in a world as sharply divided as ours, there is near universal agreement that the preferred path to glory is the shortest and easiest. To walk the path our Savior puts us on, one on which the cross comes before the crown, puts us out of step with the world. Thankfully, the determination required to walk this path starts with our Savior and not with us. Because of his determination, we are offered a glory far superior to anything the world can offer.

Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Restraint
We live in an emotionally charged, partisan world. It is important we remember that those who we might believe are against us are fellow sinners with names and souls, who themselves are tried and tempted by the devil. There’s no need to attack them. There is need to love them.
Today we see one of the disciples violently lash out against someone who opposed Jesus. Blood was even shed! Jesus response to Peter’s self-defense? “No more of this!” Jesus teaches us that he is always in perfect control. Thus, in these emotionally charged times, we can show restraint, even love, just as he did.

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: Our Temptation is Crushed by Christ’s Obedience
It was a custom known as "battle by champion." Two opposing armies would each send out their best warrior to fight each other. That is what we see this week. The demons send their champion: Satan. Humanity's best warrior, Jesus Christ, steps forward to meet him. In this fight he does not use his divine power. He uses the same weapon we have, God's Word. Because Christ fought the battle against Satan as one of us, he won that battle for all of us. Jesus is our perfect substitute. Even as the devil still seethes in rage against us, we can face him and his temptations unafraid, confident that our champion has already won the victory.

Mary & Martha - A Women’s Service Group
All women are cordially invited to attend the March of Mary & Martha, Trinity’s women’s service team, on Saturday, March 8th at 9:30am in the Trinity Room. Rachel Greiner from Christian Life Resources (CLR) will speak on infant loss and the support that CLR can offer for individuals experiencing such a loss. The team’s March service project will be Evangelism rocks.

Board Game Night
Join Us for First Friday Board Game Night at Trinity!
Get ready for a night of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition at Trinity’s Board Game Night! Whether you’re a strategy mastermind or just love the classics, there’s a game for everyone. Bring your favorite or try something new from our collection!
We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. To help us plan for snacks and drink, please RSVP by following the link found below.
Bring a friend, spread the word, and let’s make it a fantastic night! We can’t wait to see you there!

Midweek Worship Theme - God on Trial: Accusations
It is not only the unbelieving world that puts God on trial. Believers sometimes accuse God too. We see unbelievers who seem more blessed than we are. We accuse, “God, that is not fair!” We are facing some life struggle. We accuse, “God, you aren’t paying attention!” We experience an agonizing hardship or loss. We accuse, “God, you aren’t nearly as loving as you claim to be!” Tonight, God puts us in our place, and that’s a good thing. We need to understand how dangerous it is for sinners to accuse the holy God, and how ridiculous it is for us to question the love of a God who gave us his one and only Son. The result of such realization? We repent in dust and ashes, turning to the Lord for forgiveness.

Trinity Lutheran School Culver’s Fundraiser Night
March Culver’s Night!
Visit the Culver’s at Woodman’s Plaza from 5-8:00 pm on Tuesday, March 4th for a snack, dinner or dessert. A portion of all sales will be donated to Trinity Lutheran School. Take a break from cooking and support Trinity Lutheran School at the same time!

Worship Featuring the Prep Singers!
Worship Featuring the Prep Singers!
On Sunday, March 2nd members and guests who attend the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services will be treated to a talented vocal performance by the Prep Singers of Luther Preparatory School!
Visit Luther Prep’s website to learn more about this Wisconsin Synod high school, located just down the road in Watertown, which serves 415 students from 25 states and 4 foreign countries.

Weekend Worship Theme - Glory Uncovered: When It Is Most Hidden, It Is Most On Display
Throughout Epiphany, we have seen that God must uncover for us the truths that could not be discovered by us. As this season ends, we are presented with a twist. For God's glory to be revealed, it actually must be covered. God's glory needed to be hidden in Christ. It is hidden in the gospel. This is how God enables sinful human beings to see his glory and, rather than turning away in fear, stare at it in wonder for as long as they want. The truth God uncovers for us today: when his glory is hidden, it is most on display.

Weekend Worship Theme - Reactions Uncovered: Love Your Enemies; Overcome Evil With Good
Last week we saw that the governing principles of Christ's kingdom initially seem upside down. This week we see that truth in how Christ would have us react to those who wrong us or oppose us. Jesus asks us to befriend our enemies, to love those who hate us, and to repay evil with good. Logic would say that is a recipe for being walked all over. Yet, have we not seen this tactic work? When we were Christ's enemies, he loved us to the point of death. He repays our daily evil with the daily goodness of his mercy. In doing so, he has won us for himself. Following the strategy Jesus lays out today is not a capitulation to evil. It is a means of conquering it.

Mornings with Mommy
Find community with other moms while spending quality time with your little ones!
Trinity’s Mornings with Mommy program is designed for moms and caregivers to enjoy time together while walking your child through age-appropriate activities (ages 0-4 years). The group will next meet on Wednesday, February 19th at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Saturday open gym events have also been added: the next event is March 8th at 9:00 am.
Registration is required for all events and attendees. Visit tinyurl.com/TLCMMJAN-MAY and, for additional details, visit the Trinity Mornings with Mommy Facebook page.

Craft Night
Calling all crafters!
Looking for some company and inspiration for your current crafting projects? Look no further! Join us for a fun evening of crafting and fellowship with other creative souls.
Bring along your crafting supplies and get ready to share a laugh or two as we work on our projects together. Crafting alone is nowhere near as fun as crafting with others!
We begin at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We can't wait to see you there!

Weekend Worship Theme - Definitions Uncovered: Blessings Are Cursed; Curses Are Blessed
When someone is new to something, there is a period of orientation. For example, when someone takes up a new game or sport, they need to first learn the rules. Likewise, when someone is a new disciple of Jesus, a period of orientation follows. It's necessary, because by nature we assume that Jesus' kingdom works the same way the world works. The truth that is uncovered this week is that the principles on which Jesus' kingdom runs are the exact opposite of the principles of the world. That which the world considers to be a blessing can often be a curse. And that which the world calls bad, God always uses for the good of those he loves.

Weekend Worship Theme - Messengers Uncovered: The Least Qualified Are The First Sent
It does not surprise us that from the beginning of his ministry Jesus demonstrated his commitment to proclaiming good news of the kingdom of God, regardless of whether people rejected his message or embraced it. That was Christ's agenda, and he was committed to it. What is surprising is that, also from the beginning, Jesus demonstrated his plan to carry out this proclamation by sending others to speak on his behalf. More surprising is whom he sends, not angels, but mere human beings. In many cases, it was individuals who seemed to lack the qualifications to speak on Christ's behalf. Yet, Christ equipped and prepared them. Do you feel unqualified to tell others the good news?

Board Game Night
Join your fellow Trinity members and other members of our Waukesha community for an evening of board gaming. We will have all sorts of games available to play from classic board games to newer strategy games. Everyone is welcome to attend, from children all the way up through adults. Bring your own favorite game, or play one of ours!
We'll start with a brief devotion at 6:00 PM and will begin gaming at 6:15 PM. In order to help our organizers plan snacks for the event, please consider helping us by RSVP-ing by following the link found below.

Weekend Worship Theme - Agenda Uncovered: What Must Be Said, Not What Others Want To Hear
Last week we saw that there can be a temptation to alter the message we proclaim to avoid apparent failure and rejection. This week we see that there is also a temptation to alter the message we proclaim because of apparent success. If a church makes its central focus things like personal improvement, healing for the sick, or social justice, that church may draw a crowd. It just fails to carry out the agenda Christ has given his Church. The gospel of forgiveness is to be the center of all our preaching and teaching. The agenda for Christ's Church is set. It's the same agenda that was followed by the Church's Christ.

Weekend Worship Theme - Reception Uncovered: Rejection Is Not The Exception But The Rule
When one proclaims God's Word, typically the intentions are good. We want others to know the joy of salvation and the love of Christ. Therefore, it can be surprising to us when God's Word is met with apathy or rejection by those who hear it. It's easy to conclude that when the Word of God offends human minds and hearts (including our own), something has gone wrong. The truth that is uncovered this week is that rejection of Jesus' words is not the exception but the rule. Jesus' words will always offend. However, we will see that God can use even the rejection of his Word for good.

Weekend Worship Theme - Delight Uncovered: God Delivers More Than We Ask, Not Less
Is the pursuit of God and the pursuit of pleasure two separate paths? Many make that assumption—that life with Jesus is a boring, sterile experience. They are dead wrong. Jesus came to undo everything that is wrong with our world as a result of sin's curse. He also came to multiply our joy and deliver delight beyond our wildest dreams. Note that when Jesus begins to reveal his glory, it isn't by going to a hospital to cure every ailment. Instead, he starts at a local wedding, one of the greatest sources of joy in this life. The truth uncovered for us this week is that life with Jesus is not a life with less delight, but infinitely more.

Epiphany - What Child Is This? A Light for All People
The twelve days of Christmas are over. Likewise, our worship series—What Child Is This—comes to an end today with the Festival of the Epiphany, a celebration of the the first time non-Jewish believers worshiped the newborn Savior. They were guided by a special light in the sky to the child who would be a light for all people. We live in a world where sin can divide people along so many lines: ethnicity and race, the rich and the poor, red states and blue states, etc. The only dividing line Jesus cares about is the one that separated sinful mankind from a holy God. By his death and resurrection, he removed that line and united all believers into one Kingdom. For that, we offer him our finest gifts.

First Sunday after Christmas - What Child Is This? Our Substitute and Sacrifice
Already as a child, Jesus' saving work had begun. His entire life, he served as our subsitute, perfectly obeying God's Law. Just think of how we often neglect the study of God's Word. Then look at twelve-year-old Jesus, eager to be in the temple learning more about Scripture. However, he would need to do more than be our substitute. Eventually he would lay that perfect life down as the sacrifice for our sin.

Christmas Day - What Child Is This? God In The Flesh
The Lord had told Moses, "No one may see me and live." If sinners cannot even bear to look upon the glory of God, then they certainly could not hope to live with God in the glory of heaven. So, on that first Christmas, God chose to hide his glory under flesh. What child is this? It is God and man in one person, exactly what the human race needed to deliver it from its enemies of sin, death, and Satan. Christmas Day serves up the deep stuff of Christmas: the miracle and mystery of the incarnation.

Christmas Eve - What Child Is This?
This Christmas Eve, an angel answers that question. "A savior has been born to you." It is a stunning statement, for two reasons. First, this child looks nothing like what we would expect in a hero-savior. This child is weak, helpless, and mired in poverty. Second, he has come to bring salvation "to you." It is a salvation we all need desperately. It was God's gift to us, given on that first Christmas Eve.

New Worship Series - What Child Is This?
A baby is born every twelve seconds. That's 140 million babies born each year. Yet, there is something that sets this child apart from all others. It is not simply his humble beginnings, with a cattle trough as his first cradle. It is not just the miraculous nature of his birth, his mother being a virgin. There is so much more. This child is the only hope we have for peace and a future. This child can wipe away every tear, drive away every fear. Here is the truth of Christmas. With this child, you lack nothing. Without him, you have nothing. Let us use this season of Christmas to answer this most important question: WHAT CHILD IS THIS?

Weekend Worship Theme - When The Lord Comes Near, He Lifts Up The Humbled
By this time of the holiday season, people are often weighed down. They feel guilty about presents that are not perfect, or parties that did not go as planned, or year-end projects that did not get completed. To top it all off, now is when it dawns on people how little attention they have given to the spiritual preparation Advent invites. If that is how we feel, perhaps the frenzy of December has actually done us a favor. We have been stretched to our limits. We have been made aware of our shortcomings. We have been humbled. Perfect! For being made aware of our weaknesses does not disqualify us from God's care. It does the opposite. It is what prepares us for the work he does best. He is a God who lifts up the humbled.

Midweek Advent Worship Theme - Celebrate Christmass with Proper Preparation
When a chef prepares a meal, the first step is examining the ingredients. He wants the produce to be ripe, with the proper firmness and no browning or wilting. If beef is on the menu, he will look for a fresh smell, a nice reddish color, and the proper amount of marbling. Proper preparation of a gourmet dinner begins with examination of the ingredients.
Proper preparation for the Lord’s Supper also begins with examination, but not of the ingredients. Regardless of the quality of the bread and wine, when we partake of those elements, along with them we receive what Jesus promises: “my body… my blood… for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26,28). So, to be properly prepared for the Lord’s Supper does not require examination of the elements, but of ourselves. Before undertaking any large endeavor, selfexamination is vital. “Am I ready for this?” That question is particularly apropos as we approach Christ’s table to receive what he miraculously offers—his real body and blood.
In this service we not only discuss the need to prepare but also the process of preparation. Because Christmas is coming. Christ is going to serve up a feast of grace. Let us examine and then eat!

Weekend Worship Theme - When The Lord Comes Near, He Humbles His Enemies
On the second Sunday of Advent, we saw that the Lord sends messengers to call us to repentance. In worship on the third Sunday of Advent, we learn that those who refuse to heed that call to humble themselves will be humbled anyway. The Lord who once came near in flesh and now comes near in Word and sacrament will one day come near with consuming fire and judgment. The Lord will humble his enemies. This truth does two important things. First, it adds urgency to God's Advent call to repentance. Second,it gives us comfort when we, as God's people, experience opposition from the world. Those who oppress and harm God's people will face justice.