We’re so glad you’re here!
What to Expect at Trinity
We know getting to know a new church might make you nervous. We’ve prepared this page to help you understand what to expect when you visit as our guest at Trinity. Here you can learn what to expect at worship, what we believe and teach, and who we are.
If you've got any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. You can call us any time at 262-547-5350, or you could send us an email. And, as always, you're invited to visit us for worship on Saturdays at 5:00pm and Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am.
How Do I Get Connected?
Faith Foundations is focused on helping you get to know your Savior and our family of faith. We'll talk about our beliefs, mission, vision, and introduce you to our different ministries.
Our Worship
When you come through our doors on White Rock Avenue you'll be in our gathering area. Members of Trinity and our guests visit before entering the sanctuary for worship.
Feel free to sit wherever you'd like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.
Come as you are. We aren't worried about what you're wearing.
Kids of all ages are welcome at Trinity. We encourage kids and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's word and sing his praise.
The pastor delivers a special children's message right before the first reading from God’s Word.
Speakers in the Calming Room and gathering area allow you to follow along with the service if you need to step out with your child.
Between Sunday services, starting at 9:15am, we offer lessons and activities for children age 3 through 6th grade, called Trinity Kids Bible Hour.
Our Beliefs
We are a Biblical church giving God's word first place in our faith and life.
We are a Lutheran church that proclaims forgiveness for all through Jesus Christ.
We are a Christian church that gathers to praise God, to be strengthened by his word, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.
Where Can I Learn More?
Read more about who we are
See what's happening at Trinity
Sign up for our weekly news
Follow us on Facebook
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