When Jesus rose on Easter, he destroyed any fear of condemnation, since his resurrection proves his payment for our sin was complete. So, Jesus destroyed the devil’s claim to our soul. Jesus defeated so many enemies on that day! However, on Easter Sunday we read, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:26). Death still gets our attention, for it remains a future inevitability. However, while death outwardly continues its march, its power has been drained. Death progresses only as a shell of its former self. For since Christ rose, proving that we are forgiven, we know that death is not the doorway into a nightmare, but it is the transition to a new and glorious reality. Death is not the end, but just the beginning. For believers, the enemy of death is already defeated. And on the Last Day, when Jesus raises us from the dead, that last enemy will be totally destroyed. This week we celebrate on the delivered deliverance over death.
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