The American novelist William S. Burroughs coined the phrase, “When you stop growing you start dying.” Burroughs was referring to personal development. When individuals stop acquiring knowledge or developing skills, they may become stagnant, lose motivation, and feel unfulfilled. However, that phrase can be applied to our spiritual lives too. Believers will seek to grow in their relationship with God and their understanding of his Word. If they don’t… if believers stop growing spiritually… that can lead to diminished joy and a weakened ability to serve and witness.
Scripture drives this point home when it frequently compares believers to trees. Apart from the life-giving water of the Word, the believer’s faith starts to wither and perhaps even die. But fed by the Word, our faith grows. Our love for Christ grows. Our ability to apply God’s Word to life grows. Our desire to serve God and our neighbor grows. That is Trinity’s next mission objective. Through Trinity’s gospel mission, we pray he would lead our faith to blossom, bearing abundant fruit.