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Midweek Worship Theme - God On Trial: Testimony

  • Trinity Lutheran Church 1052 White Rock Avenue Waukesha, WI, 53186 United States (map)

Trials require testimony. Tonight, we compare and contrast two testimonies. Jesus is inside the courtroom; Peter, just outside. As Jesus testifies, he respectfully yet boldly confesses the truth about who he is. As Peter testifies, he lies, falling all over himself to hide any connection he has with Jesus.

This comparison provides the opportunity to consider our testimony to the world. Do our words and actions give testimony to our relationship with our God, like Jesus’ words and actions did? Or, like Peter, do we sometimes refuse to confess our faith in Christ? Tonight, we weep at our failures to give testimony to the gospel. Yet, we rejoice in Jesus’ perfect witness in our place.

March 19

Mornings with Mommy

March 22

Weekend Worship Theme - Crushed: False Security is Crushed by Faithful Presence