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Midweek Advent Worship Theme: The Tree of Rebellion

Scripture says it was hard to miss, because God placed it “in the middle of the garden”—the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve were allowed to eat from every tree in Eden except that one. Why did God forbid them from eating the fruit of that one tree? Simply so that mankind would have one way to demonstrate they loved and trusted God. By disobeying God, Adam and Eve proved they didn’t fully trust him. More, they proved that they loved the thought of being in control more than they loved God. It was rebellion. Still today, we rebel against our good and gracious God when we love or trust anything more than him.

That tree of rebellion points to the need for Christ. We needed God to send a Savior who would succeed where we fail. The Christ would be the only man who ever loved and trusted God perfectly. More, while hanging on a tree, the Christ would shed his blood for our rebellion. It is the first tree in the Bible that serves as a Christmas tree… a tree that points us to Christ—the tree of rebellion.

November 29

Midweek Advent Worship Series - Christmas Trees

December 1

Game Night