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Midweek Advent Worship Theme: The Tree of Promise

In recent years there has been an explosion of companies that help you trace your family tree. You can go back a dozen generations, uncovering the history of your ancestors. Tracing your family tree allows you to learn more about where you came from… who you are. Interestingly, St. Matthew’s Gospel begins by tracing Jesus’ family tree. There are multiple reasons for this. First, providing the genealogy of Jesus proves that he is true man, exactly what we needed our Savior to be if he was going to take our place. Second, it demonstrates God’s grace, for in Jesus’ family tree you will find individuals whose heinous sins are recorded in Scripture: murder, prostitution, etc.  The Christ is not the enemy of sinners. He is our brother. Finally, this family tree shows that God keeps all his promises. God had promised multiple believers—Eve, Abraham, David—that the Savior would be one of their descendants.

This week, we look at a very different type of Christmas tree—the Tree of Promise. Christmas proves that what God says will happen happens. God promised he would become one of us to save all of us. He did just that! The Tree of Promise proves God shall keep every single promise he makes to us.

December 2

Worship Theme: A Real Christmas Is Rooted In Repentance

December 9

Worship Theme: A Real Christmas Results in Great Joy