Worship and Music
Providing a rich worship life in many different musical styles
When we worship, we come as God’s guests.
This Lutheran understanding makes our worship different than most other churches in our area. For example: we don’t gather in worship primarily to tell God how we feel. Instead, we gather in worship to hear what Jesus has done for us. God speaks the truth that sets us free and we respond with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
If you are new to Waukesha, we invite you to get to know us at Trinity. We provide a rich worship life in many different musical styles. Get to know us over several weeks. You will find a wide variety of music. You will experience different preachers with different approaches. You will hear piano, guitars, drums, and the pipe organ. Why this dedication to a variety of musical styles? Because the Holy Spirit is no monotone. Why this dedication to excellence in worship? Because the Lord deserves nothing but our best. In all of this, the word of Christ is absolutely everywhere!
Worship Planning Team
Trinity’s Worship Planning Team plans worship opportunities that will draw people together to glorify our Triune God and enrich the souls of worshipers with worship themes and musical selections that offer God’s blessings in Word and Sacraments and inspire worshipers in their life of faith.
Mixed Choir
Our choir is open to all Trinity members who enjoy praising their Savior through vocal music. This choir practices weekly from fall to early summer and assists with worship on a regular schedule.
Trinitas is a group of dedicated individuals with various musical backgrounds and gifts, whether it’s piano, guitar, drums, vocals, or other instruments. The group plays regularly and accompanies the service in hymns, psalms, biblical songs, and other musical elements.
Handbell Choir
Our Handbell Choir practices weekly and beautifies our worship services with their music. The group welcomes any adults or high school students who have an interest in performing with them.
Worship at Trinity would not be possible without the many hours donated by our dedicated Ushers, Worship Technicians, Greeters, Musicians, Class Teachers, Morning Boost hosts and other service volunteers! If you would like to use your gifts to glorify God and become involved in the Music or Worship Ministry at Trinity please contact us.
— Jeremy Bakken, Director of Choral Arts and Trinitas