Weekend Worship Theme - Delight Uncovered: God Delivers More Than We Ask, Not Less
Is the pursuit of God and the pursuit of pleasure two separate paths? Many make that assumption—that life with Jesus is a boring, sterile experience. They are dead wrong. Jesus came to undo everything that is wrong with our world as a result of sin's curse. He also came to multiply our joy and deliver delight beyond our wildest dreams. Note that when Jesus begins to reveal his glory, it isn't by going to a hospital to cure every ailment. Instead, he starts at a local wedding, one of the greatest sources of joy in this life. The truth uncovered for us this week is that life with Jesus is not a life with less delight, but infinitely more.
Weekend Worship Theme - Reception Uncovered: Rejection Is Not The Exception But The Rule
When one proclaims God's Word, typically the intentions are good. We want others to know the joy of salvation and the love of Christ. Therefore, it can be surprising to us when God's Word is met with apathy or rejection by those who hear it. It's easy to conclude that when the Word of God offends human minds and hearts (including our own), something has gone wrong. The truth that is uncovered this week is that rejection of Jesus' words is not the exception but the rule. Jesus' words will always offend. However, we will see that God can use even the rejection of his Word for good.
Weekend Worship Theme - Agenda Uncovered: What Must Be Said, Not What Others Want To Hear
Last week we saw that there can be a temptation to alter the message we proclaim to avoid apparent failure and rejection. This week we see that there is also a temptation to alter the message we proclaim because of apparent success. If a church makes its central focus things like personal improvement, healing for the sick, or social justice, that church may draw a crowd. It just fails to carry out the agenda Christ has given his Church. The gospel of forgiveness is to be the center of all our preaching and teaching. The agenda for Christ's Church is set. It's the same agenda that was followed by the Church's Christ.
Weekend Worship Theme - Messengers Uncovered: The Least Qualified Are The First Sent
It does not surprise us that from the beginning of his ministry Jesus demonstrated his commitment to proclaiming good news of the kingdom of God, regardless of whether people rejected his message or embraced it. That was Christ's agenda, and he was committed to it. What is surprising is that, also from the beginning, Jesus demonstrated his plan to carry out this proclamation by sending others to speak on his behalf. More surprising is whom he sends, not angels, but mere human beings. In many cases, it was individuals who seemed to lack the qualifications to speak on Christ's behalf. Yet, Christ equipped and prepared them. Do you feel unqualified to tell others the good news?
Weekend Worship Theme - Definitions Uncovered: Blessings Are Cursed; Curses Are Blessed
When someone is new to something, there is a period of orientation. For example, when someone takes up a new game or sport, they need to first learn the rules. Likewise, when someone is a new disciple of Jesus, a period of orientation follows. It's necessary, because by nature we assume that Jesus' kingdom works the same way the world works. The truth that is uncovered this week is that the principles on which Jesus' kingdom runs are the exact opposite of the principles of the world. That which the world considers to be a blessing can often be a curse. And that which the world calls bad, God always uses for the good of those he loves.
Weekend Worship Theme - Reactions Uncovered: Love Your Enemies; Overcome Evil With Good
Last week we saw that the governing principles of Christ's kingdom initially seem upside down. This week we see that truth in how Christ would have us react to those who wrong us or oppose us. Jesus asks us to befriend our enemies, to love those who hate us, and to repay evil with good. Logic would say that is a recipe for being walked all over. Yet, have we not seen this tactic work? When we were Christ's enemies, he loved us to the point of death. He repays our daily evil with the daily goodness of his mercy. In doing so, he has won us for himself. Following the strategy Jesus lays out today is not a capitulation to evil. It is a means of conquering it.
Weekend Worship Theme - Glory Uncovered: When It Is Most Hidden, It Is Most On Display
Throughout Epiphany, we have seen that God must uncover for us the truths that could not be discovered by us. As this season ends, we are presented with a twist. For God's glory to be revealed, it actually must be covered. God's glory needed to be hidden in Christ. It is hidden in the gospel. This is how God enables sinful human beings to see his glory and, rather than turning away in fear, stare at it in wonder for as long as they want. The truth God uncovers for us today: when his glory is hidden, it is most on display.